Strategic Project Management Transformation

Why this Book and why Now?

You can’t read any project management publication or business trade journal these days without seeing references to the astronomically high failure rates for projects. It’s common to see project failure rates being reported as high as 60%, 70% and even up to 85%! These failed projects, consequently, result in billions of dollars of wasted money. It’s also common to see business leaders commiserating around water coolers about their out of control project costs and the negligible business value that results from all this spending. It pains me to see such staggering statistics and discontent from corporate leaders because I know it’s not due to the lack of effort or competence of project professionals around the world. There is something inherently flawed in the way projects are being managed and executed at all levels of organizations to have so many of them result as failures. These flawed approaches have to stop if we are to prevent this disturbing trend from continuing.

Why do so many projects fail? Quite simply, it’s because they don’t deliver the financial value or business benefits they are set out to deliver. At best, they deliver a fraction of their targeted business outcomes. What’s truly unfortunate is that project professionals often execute these projects flawlessly and receive sign-off and approval from satisfied stakeholders, and yet these projects still don’t deliver the expected results. A strong emphasis is placed upon project delivery, but the focus on value attainment is seriously lacking.

The transformation from project management to project value management is long overdue. All levels of organizations must embrace this transformation if they are to turn their project failures into project successes. Project investments can only be successful when they deliver their expected business returns. By embracing and implementing business-focused, value-driven project processes and techniques, organizations can consistently achieve optimal and sustainable business returns from their project investments. This book shows how organizations and individuals can make this transformation.

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Strategic Project Management Transformation is a must read for managers, executives or owners interested in transforming their business into a company that is sustainable and tuned to optimum performance. While there are many books on good project management practices, Marc Resch provides an all-encompassing treatise on effective organizational success. I highly recommend this book as a guide to keep on one’s desk as a reference and key tool.”

– William R. Truran, Ph.D., P.E., PMP, P.P.
DoD Systems, Planning, Research, Development and Engineering
Affiliate Industry Professor, Stevens Institute of Technology

“This book’s value-centric methodology fosters ownership and collaboration, and encapsulates the iterative and qualitative business leadership necessary for success in today’s global market.”

– Kristen Lamoreaux, President & CEO, Lamoreaux Search
Founder, Society for Information Management (SIM) Women

Book review in the October 2012 issue of PMIs Project Management Journal (PDF)

Book review in the November 2012 issue of PM World Journal (PDF)

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